Monday, June 27, 2011

Our Chemical Wasteland

The utilization of chemicals in our home may be causing illness to your loved ones. This is obviously not "new" news to you, however many don't realize the profound impact these chemicals have; not only on you but the environment as well. Most of us grew up to believe that a clean home is healthy and that even removing dirt, pollen, dust and dander will provide a germ free environment that will prevent illness. Well I have news for you, no one’s home is germ free, you can't prevent your kids from touching a dirty door knob, and eating food off the floor won't kill you ( well at least in my house, everyone is still living). However there is a difference between a clean home and a home that hasn't been touched since your mother in law stopped by and we all know how that goes. 

So…what can we do about it?
The good news is with a cupboard stocked with essential oils, spray bottles and purified water you can get the same effect as the harsh chemical's found in store bought cleaners. They are safe for the environment, and unless you have an allergy to plants they are safe to inhale. Natural cleaners do not expose you to potentially life threatening diseases, eye irritation, respiratory illness or most commonly, skin irritations. A few things you should know about essential oils, essential oils are derived from the actual flowers or leaves of the plant and are extracted by a couple of different methods.

One way essential oils come from a plant is by steam distillation the other is by cold press. It takes a large abundance of the plants to actually extract the oils. Some oils are more expensive than others. For example sweet orange essential oil is relatively inexpensive while Jasmine is very costly. It is very rare to find pure undiluted Jasmine essential oil because of the cost, most of the time it is synthetically made or diluted with some sort of carrier oil. If you want to ensure you are purchasing the pure form of the oil, always make sure the Latin name is attached to the label. Essential oils should always be stored out of direct sunlight and heat. They should also be stored in amber or dark colored glass bottles. When mixing your essential oils together to make a home cleaning agent, remember you are using a diluted form of the oil so it's safe to be in a plastic container. Essential oils have many house hold uses from disinfectants to air fresheners to insect repellants. Using these oils instead of synthetic chemical cleaners will keep your family safe, your home clean and fresh, and your mood uplifted.

For information on specific household uses and tips, visit our Facebook page Simply Saltsational.  Rachel is the owner of

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