Monday, May 30, 2011

The History of Aromatherapy

For centuries, aromatherapy has been utilized for both pleasure as
well healing purposes. Essential oils provide an abundance of
different health benefits. Essential oils have shown benefits to
physical, mental and spiritual health all the same. Aromatherapy is
utilized in western medicine as a non-invasive method of treating an
array of ailments; in conjunction with other methods such as
meditation, yoga, diet and exercise.

What are essential oils?
An essential oil is a liquid that's in most cases distilled (two most
common processes being either steam or water) from the leaves,
stems, flowers, bark, roots, or other elements of a plant. Contrary
to popular assumption, essential oils usually are not all that oily.
Most of the time, essential oils are clear, but some oils such as
patchouli, orange and lemongrass are amber or yellow in color.
The true 'essense' of a plant lies within the essential oil. Essential
oils are highly concentrated even in their distilled form and very
little is usually required to achieve the desired results.
How do they work?
The scents of essential oils are closer to you than you may initially
believe. Many of your everyday household items such as
perfumes, air fresheners, and disinfectants utilize the many benefits
of essential oils. Although the scents of the essential oils are there,
most of the time they contain the fragrance of the oil instead of the
pure form of the oil itself. That however, is not to say that the pure
form of the oil is never utilized. As mentioned above, you'll find that
household disinfectants utilize the oil form of an essential oil, as
many essential oils possess disinfecting properties. What initially
appeals to us as consumers, is usually the way a product smells,
but bare in mind, Essential oils have almost a limitless amount of
health benefits as well.
History behind Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has actually been practiced for many centuries.
However, the actual date when aromatherapy was first introduced is
still up for debate. It's believed by many experts that ancient
Egyptians were the first to practice aromatherapy. The Egyptians of
ancient times were the first to become aware of the many benefits
of Essential oils. Egyptians first discovered the benefit of Essential
oils when they were using the oils during the mummification
process. The priests became known as "healers" combining
medicinal potions to treat all sorts of different ailments. It was during
the fifteenth century that people started using these oils to disguise
their natural body odor as well as to stave off illnesses.
Countries all over the world practice aromatherapy today. There are
more than a thousand doctors in France alone, who utilize this
method to treat all sorts of conditions. Aromatherapy is believed to
be able to cure many different illnesses and conditions. Other
practices of aromatherapy include weight loss, the treatment of
depression, the treatment of many infections, and stress
reduction.  Aromatherapy is only one of the many forms of stress
reduction that individuals partake in, however, it is one of the safest
and most cost efficient ways to do so.

For specific uses and benefits, please visit our website.

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